Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Many Blessings...

Forgive me tonight as I depart from my usual posts, I felt like this was relevant and I had to post what I was feeling... As we journey through our lives things change, our knowledge, jobs, geographic location, sometimes marital status and even our friends.  I have to tell you, as I have gotten older my friends have changed, but my most cherished friends are the ones that I can call upon in the best of moments and the worst.  They do not judge me, they understand where I am at that moment in time and love me in spite of all of my flaws.  Their unwavering support and love means more to me than I could ever express to you in words.  Some of my dear friends walk with me in my Pink Journey and others make it possible for me to do so.  Distance might rob us of lots of precious time, but when we get together or get to talk on the phone it is like no time has separated us and we continue forward.  I am blessed to have them in my life, and I hope each and every one of them knows that their name is forever etched in my heart.  You bring out the very best of me and I love the moments that we share together...Thank you for giving me the gift of your friendship and for going through all the up's and downs that live brings throughout the journey and loving me through it... XoXo

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