Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sealed with a Kiss...

Today the story left my hands, in the form of 1500 characters.  Now, to engage my audience I guarantee that  ( on average ) have WAY more than 1500 characters in any blog entry that I write.  This was a challenge to still get the story across and be captivating at the same time.  So with the help of my friend and confidant, we shaved out all of the "fluff".  With prayers said, we bid it a safe journey and are keeping our fingers crossed that it finds the right hands.  I wanted to put so much more into it & I had, but shaving it down is almost like trying to decide whether you will cut off your arm or leg?  Which one will you miss more?  Ok, so that analogy might be a little dramatic, but I literally put my heart & soul into the letter.  My deepest desire to bring about a change.  How far can I reach pass my self to make a difference in another person's life?  So with a deep breath being taken...  Prayers Up & Fingers Crossed, Dice Rolled, Numbers Picked, Wishbone at the ready and phone lines wide open...Waiting...


  1. You are AMAZING. Whether you realize it or not, you make a difference everyday just by being you!!! XOXO...

  2. Thanks Beautiful... I think you are pretty AMAZING yourself! XoXo
