Thursday, September 8, 2011

One in Eight...

Andrea Mitchell Reveals That She Has Breast Cancer...
Andrea Mitchell came forward two days ago to reveal that she now has become the 1 in 8 women that will get breast cancer in their lifetime.  I was touched by this video clip and decided to share it with you, ( the link is highlighted in pink above ) just incase you missed it.  At the end of her MSNBC program on September 7th, Andrea revealed that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She went on to explain that despite the diagnosis, it was caught in it's earliest stage, and that her prognosis for recovery is excellent.  If you don't know who Andrea is, she is the Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent for NBC.  Cancer does not have any boundaries and is color blind. It has no geographic or social exclusions.  We battle it every step of the way and we ask you to join with us and help find a cure.  If you can't walk, donate or come out and cheer us on.  Whatever you do, please check yourself often and get your yearly mammogram.  Do not think that it can not happen to you because...  It can, and does happen to women & men every day that never thought it could happen to them.  Please don't wait till you are part of the 1 in 8 to be touched by our fight.  Help support us as we continue to make strides to find a cure. 

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